sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2007


Agosto ha sido un mes raro. He jugado poco debido a las vacaciones. La vuelta ha sido fatal. He empobrecido mi juego -sobretodo haciendo calls absurdos- y mi suerte - he tenido cada una q es para flipar-. Mi primer mes con perdidas en NL. Solo he perdido una caja pero es un gran revés para mi.

5 comentarios:

Pujamos.com dijo...

Hola, quería informaros sobre un nuevo Blog de Poker que podréis encontrar en http://www.logisblog.com/poker Allí encontrareis Resúmenes de Prensa de noticias de poker, además de todos los Blogs de habla hispana, actualizados con el último post escrito de forma muy visual vía RSS. El Blog está diseñado sin popups ni propaganda intrusiva, para hacer mas agradable la lectura. Si queréis añadir cualquier Blog que os guste, o uno vuestro, no tenéis mas que mandarnos la dirección a noticias@logisblog.com y lo publicaremos.

Pujamos.com dijo...

Hola, soy Manu y quería presentar a toda la comunidad del póquer hispana una nueva Red Social del Póquer, que podréis visitar aquí:


Póquer es un sitio de promoción de noticias gratuito basado en coRank. Es un lugar donde la gente envía, comparte, vota y comenta noticias en la red. Comparte todas las noticias sobre póquer con la comunidad, manda los post de tu Blog contando tus experiencias, estrategias, cómo ganaste, cómo te desplumaron, etc... y de paso atrae tráfico cualificado a tu Blog, manda artículos que consideres buenos para que todos podamos leerlos, comentarlos y votarlos, y darte a conocer. “Póquer” aspira a ser un sitio central donde toda la comunidad del póquer hispana pueda reunirse y compartir conocimientos.
También podéis añadir un icono de “social bookmarkts” para que quien lea vuestros blogs y los encuentre interesantes, puedan mandar el artículo directamente a la Red Social (la imagen del “Social Bookmarkt de “Póquer” es el As de corazones, lo podéis encontrar en http://www.logisblog.com/as.gif o en nuestro blog). Para los que tengáis blogs en Blogspot aquí tenéis un tutorial de cómo ponerlo: http://legiongorgola.blogspot.com/2007/08/aadir-redes-sociales-blogger.html
Los demás tendréis que buscar por ahí :-)

La Red Social Póquer es una iniciativa de “PokerdeBlogs” que puedes visitar aquí:


Aquí encontrarás Resúmenes de Prensa de Noticias de Poker (que son muy escasas) para que no tengáis que perder el tiempo buscando por internet(si queréis claro :) , además de todos los Blogs de habla hispana, americanos y europeos(estamos en ello) actualizados con el último post escrito de forma muy visual. Si queréis añadir cualquier Blog que os guste, o uno vuestro, no tenéis mas que mandarnos la dirección a noticias@logisblog.com y lo publicaremos. Página sin popups ni propaganda intrusiva, ideal para página de inicio.

Tim Howard dijo...

The pre-flop

This is the first round of betting. Each player now has the opportunity to play his game and follow the Big Blind (ie put the full small bet, bet 1 euro), raise (bet double the small bet, bet 2 euros) or fold.

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All players now have wagered. The dealer burns a card: it means that lays the first card of the deck face down on the table, to avoid cheating. He then returned three cards on the table. These three cards are common to all players and make up what is called "the table". Combined with two personal cards, three cards face form hand. I call the player to the left of the dealer. Once the player has bet, the other players can follow (ask the same bet) or raise (bet double) successively. They can also choose to spend or "lie", ie throw their cards in and out of the game

Tamiya Online dijo...

After the second round of betting is the third round, it is the turn (turn). The dealer burns a card and places a fourth card in addition to the three already on the table. The betting rounds can then take place. When you play in version "limit" Poker hold'em, double fixed bid from the turn. The minimum bet then passes by € 2 instead of 1 euro.


When all players have completed, or are lying revived, the remaining players participate in the fourth round of betting the river (the river). The dealer burns another card and places a fifth and final card on the table. The game is complete and the five community cards on the table. Players can bet now.

The Showdown (Showdown)

When the final betting round is completed, proceed to the "showdown": the player who has been followed by other shows his hand uncovered. It is the best, he won the pot bet. Otherwise, it is the one that has the best game that picks up the pot. Others do not have to show their game if both players have equal hand they split the pot.

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You can bet all of their chips at any time, there is no limit set. Basically, you put what you want. If you put all your chips at once, it is "carpet".

Becky Gilligan dijo...

A gamble does not necessarily win with a very beautiful game, two pairs Souvant enough, or even a pair, sometimes nobody is capable of forming a single pair, then the winner is the one with the highest card in isolated his 5 cards.

Example: If you have an Ace and a King the other player, even with 4 other different cards is that you win.
And if you have both an Ace is one who has the highest card will win then.

This example is very important because it gives you the idea of ​​what the "Kicker", the kicker is the extra card, the card accompanying your game, which often makes the difference.
Since there are five community cards, the Kicker frequently intervenes in texas holdem poker more often than traditional closed.

Another example: Suppose the 5 community cards is: Lady, Lady, 8, 4, 2
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The other player: Lady, 10
It is you who win, because you have both a Kind Queens, but you have a better kicker.

In poker, to participate in the shots, each set of tokens representing amounts more or less important, if you do not bet, you forfeit win and kick you expect the next deal.
When you bet, it is in order to win the chips of other players in the game, or because you have the best hand (the best combination of 5 cards) because you managed to believe, the bluff .

Around a poker table, there are more or fewer players, usually eight to ten, but the game can be played with four or five or even two, head to head, which is the case in the final tournaments.